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Free The Magic Encyclopedia-Advanced Dungeons & Dragons, 2nd Ed Vol-1,Connie & Dale, 1992 PDF Download

Download The Magic Encyclopedia-Advanced Dungeons & Dragons, 2nd Ed Vol-1,Connie & Dale, 1992 PDF Books
By:"TSR Ltd Publishers"
Published on 1992-07-02 by Bukupedia

FORGOTTEN REALMS® accessory The Savage Frontier. Designators that contain only a reference number are generally hardbounds and boxed sets. For example, 2100 is the ADVANCED DUNGEONS & DRAGONS® 2nd Edition DUNGEON MASTER™ Guide. A little experimentation (and a little sorting of your personal stock of TSR products) will make referencing extremely easy within a short amount of time. Volume one does not contain any tables for randomly determining what magical items are found in a treasure hoard, but such tables will be included in the second volume. Acknowledgments We would like to thank the following people for their input. These people either created magical items, edited the item, or developed the writings of a designer who created an item. To those hundreds of people that we forgot, a thousand apologies. Jaime Acres, Mark Acres, James Adams, Kelly Adams, Tom Adams, Halina Adamski, Galan Akin, Jamil Alam, Jeff Albanese, Mike Albers, Dave Alexander, Christopher Alien, JB Alien, Thomas Alien, Aaron AHston, Greg Alms, Michael Amaral, Gregory Anderson, Kevin Anderson, Roger Anderson, SD Anderson, Marc Andreessen, Mark Anthony, David Carl Argall, Jerome Arkenberg, Tbm Armstrong, Dave Arneaon, Peter Aronson, Robin Ashmore, Michael Ashton, Walter Baas, Robert Babcock, Jon Bailey, David Baker, Forest Baker, L Richard Baker, Linda Bakk, Rich Balwin, Matt Bandy, Rich Banner, Bruce Barber, Jeremy Bargen, Robert Barger, Jack Barker, M.A.R. Barker, George Barr, Scott Barr, Craig Barrett, Rone Barton, William Barton, Kristine Bartyzel, Jay Batista, Michele Batter, Gene Bauer, Wolfgang Baur, Tim Beach, Mike Beeman, Jason Behret, Douglas Behringer, David Bellis, Robert Benedetti, Joseph Benedetto, Jim Bengston, Mark Bennett, Scott Bennie, Michael Benveniste, Nancy Varian Berberick, John Gregory Betancourt, J Mark Bicking, Robert Bigelow, Donald Single, Linda Single, Rich Single, Gary Van Binsbergen, Bill Birdsall, Kai Bisby, Scott Bizar, Jean Black, Stephen Blair, Robert Blake, Peter Blanchard, Jean Blashfield, Bob Bledsaw, Michael Bledsoe, Shawn Blisset, Joseph Bloch, Alien Block, Brian Blume, John Boback, Christian Bok, Stephan Bonario, Karen Boomgarden, Chris Booth, Richard Borg, Sandra Borg, Mamie Bosch, David Boucher, Grant Boucher, Stephen Bourne, Daniel Bowers, Malcolm Bowers, Scott Martin Bowles, William Bowman, Paula Bowne-Woods, Eric Boyd, Karen Brady, Jim Bramba, Niel Brandt, Matt Brandy, Liae Breakey, Mike Breault, Edward Bromley, Vie Broquard, Anne Brown, John Brown, Michael Brown, Richard Brown, Timothy Brown, David Browne, James Bruner, James Brunet, Michael Brunton, James Buchanan, Carl Buehler, Pat Buehler, Lenny Buettner, John Bunnell, Douglas Burck, Christopher Butler, Jeff Butler, Reid Butler, Lisa Cabala, William Callison, L Sprague de Camp, William Cannon, Bryan Caplan, Jeffrey Carey, William Carlson, Fast Eddie Carmien, Charles Carner, Len Carpenter, Patrick Carpenter, Mike Carr, Lin Carter, Jonatha Caspian, Adam-Troy Castro, David Gates, John Cereso, Gregg Chamberlain, lan Chapman, Samuel Charles, Mike Childers, Rob Chilson, Chris Christensen, Troy Christensen, Deborah Christian, Sam Chupp, Larry Church, Joseph Clay, Toni Cobb, Bill Coburn, Lisa Cohen, Kent Colbath, James Collier, Arthur Collins, David Collins, Arthur Commins, Matt Connel, William Connors, Jorge Contreras, David \

This Book was ranked 12 by Google Books for keyword Graphic Novels Fantasy Manual Guide.

Download The Magic Encyclopedia-Advanced Dungeons & Dragons, 2nd Ed Vol-1,Connie & Dale, 1992 PDF Books Free

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